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SAT - Social Activity Token - Connecting business and people.

In today’s online world, users’ privacy is much valued. Everyone has their social profile and they do lot of activity on their social media profiles in day-to-day lifetime. Those activity log are sold to multibillion dollar companies. Have you ever thought about getting paid for at least some amount of your activity log which were sold to external companies?

Sphere was originally created to preserve privacy of users online activity. Data security is very important for online users on any social platforms. So we believe that the millions those corporations are making off of your data doesn’t belong to them, it belongs to you. We want to help you take back the control and have a say about your data. So we’ve created a decentralized social network, separate from those corporations, that allows exactly that. You have a say, you get compensated, and above all you take back the power with every click and every social connection.

Feature of Spare - Social Activity Tokens:

Global Acceptance:

SAT tokens are globally accepted with the ERC20 standard on Ethereum blockchain.


SAT tokens will be tradable worldwide. Users can use MyEtherWallet, Mist, Parity etc wallet to store SAT tokens assets. SAT token will be listed on several exchanges so that anyone can freely trade on those exchanges.

Existing Product:

Sphere already have product build and is not just a concept like other companies. Sphere has working prototype ready with experienced team. So you’re investing in existing product and not only on concept.

You can download Beta Android app on Play Store and iOS app on App store.

SAT Token Specification:

Token name: SAT
Project protocol: ERC20
Total amount: 100,000,000 = 100%
Token Sale: 650,000,000 = 65%

SAT ICO is scheduled on February 12, 2018. You can read more about SAT ICO here.
Currently SAT pre-sale is going on, and you can reserve your SAT tokens here.

I found SAT token to be very useful for next generation users. Read more about SAT token here:

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Medium: https://medium.com/@sphereofficial

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Telegram: https://t.me/sphere_official1

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